2022 competition

You're only a writer if you write. There's no other way.
Featuring different themes/topics every year, Perspective Matters is a writing competition that invites us to look at the challenges we face in our society through a solution rather than a problem-focused lens.
We ask writers of Kenyan descent to ferry us into their imagination, where we hope to be exposed to the endless possibilities within our collective reach, as human beings.
1. Reshape the African narrative
Media outlets worldwide have done a commendable job of focusing their lens on all that is ugly about our beloved continent. Through Perspective Matters, storytellers are given the platform and opportunity to uncover the glow and pride of our continent and reshape our narratives.
2. Inspire hope for younger generations
We believe in the importance of spreading hope. Because while we are all limited by our perspective, there are always opportunities to change perspectives through exposure to different viewpoints and ideas.
3. Empower African storytellers
The competition gives both established and aspiring writers the opportunity to offer their perspectives, while improving their craft. Our prizes have been carefully considered to ensure they reward writers with not only monetary resources but also opportunities to grow their skills.
Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear
This year—once again—we challenge you to write. We want to explore, through your eyes, the theme of COURAGE.
We're looking for stories of bravery, whether from an individual or a community—stories that sparked reinvention, recalibration, or new dawn in the way things are perceived and done. It could be individual or community experiences, and how they aided their subjects in discovering, identifying, redefining, and refining who they are and how they think.
Can you tell about your personal experience, the experience of someone you know, or the experience of a community, and how this said experience gave birth to COURAGE which resulted in a fundamental shift in your life, the life of someone you know, or the lives of people in a community? What was this experience like, and how did it affect views on capabilities?
Submissions for the 2022 competition are now closed