Entrepreneurship in Kenya: A Comprehensive Guide Book (FREE TO DOWNLOAD)

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Article by: Stephen Kimani

Publication date:

The 21st of August marks World Entrepreneurs’ Day (WED). This is a day to celebrate individuals who commit their lives to solving community issues through entrepreneurship.

The primary purpose of this day is to create awareness for entrepreneurship, innovation, and leadership throughout the world. It is a day to celebrate founders, managers, producers, contractors, industrialists, innovators, administrators, designers, and producers.

Currently, the world is still struggling with a pandemic. COVID-19 has shaken everything up and exposed many loopholes, and opened up new opportunities that lie bare for entrepreneurs to figure out and come up with solutions. Despite the challenging conditions that COVID has brought upon businesses, this becomes the best time to flex your technological and innovative muscles and get to problem-solving.

If you happen to have a solution that you would want to turn to a business, Qazini has prepared a FREE Guide for you on the Basics of Doing Business in Kenya.

We invite you to download, read, and learn. Happy World Entrepreneurs' Day

Download your FREE copy of A Comprehensive Guide to Entrepreneurship here



