Personality of the Week: Faith Nzama, the Greatest Avid Reader and Lover of Books We Know Of

Faith Nzama.jpeg

Article by: Faith Nzama

Publication date:

Editor’s Note

Let’s talk about TBR (To Be Read) lists. What does yours look like?

Is your TBR list ever-growing, without you crossing off some of the entries made, or do you actually make an effort to read the books on your list?

We are privileged to travel into Faith Nzama’s world – our personality of the week – an avid reader whose TBR list is currently at 46. At the beginning of the year, the number on the list was over 100. This year, so far, she has read 190 books! And we are not yanking your chain! Those numbers are correct.

Faith Nzama not only reads these books but also reviews them on her blog. Words on the home page of her blog tell about her, “She reads books as one would breathe air, to fill up and live.”

Earlier this year, she celebrated a landmark 5 years of blogging about books. A member of numerous book clubs who finds peace and comfort in libraries and bookshops, Faith ushers us into her world:


Five years of blogging

The year is about to end which for me means taking stock. In June, my blog turned 5 and I remember having a ‘WHAT?’ moment. 5 years is a dizzying number and I need a pat on the back. So, this article is me doing just that.

Let's be honest, blogging consistently about books is not an easy thing to do. It’s not just about the writing, but you have to read the books, and sometimes when I am not able to put up a review in time, I panic a little. I have had moments where I wanted to quit altogether, because, impostor syndrome, and it took all that I have in me to just keep going.

That being said, I have had the best of times with my blog and socials. I have read good, great, and amazing books. I have made lasting friendships. I have grown as a reader and even as a writer. And so much more. I say a little silent prayer of thanks for the community I have managed to create in my little corner of the internet that is Suckerforcoffe.

Takeaways from the 5 years I have been blogging about books

1. Read what you want.

I remember starting out and reading what I saw on Bookstagram and other blogs, even when I wasn’t enjoying them because I wanted to belong. I thank God that I managed to let that go and found joy in my preferred genres.

2. Take breaks and don’t apologise for doing so.

You can’t pour from an empty cup. It took me burning out to realise that. Right now I don’t have a strict schedule and I only post a book review when I can.

3. Before anything else, I am a reader first.

4. Read at your own pace.

I have learned not to compare myself to other readers and bloggers, because reading and writing are personal experiences and I need to remember that, always.

5. Curate your timeline.

I spent a significant amount of time on my socials and I realised it is important for me to follow accounts whose content that I love; content that brings me joy and not misery. So far, I’m happy with how my social pages look like.

6. Buddy reads, readathons, read alongs, and reading challenges have helped me a lot in discovering new books, authors, and in some cases, getting out of my comfort zone.

7. Support in and from the community matters a lot and I am grateful for that.


Faith Nzama believes that books are beautiful. They open us to new worlds and possibilities and stretch our imagination. She talks about books all over her social media platforms and encourages people to read.

Check out her blog, and enjoy the many book reviews she has done.
