Weekend Listen: The Culture Inside, Invisibilia NPR.

Joy Matiri.jpg

Article by: Joy Matiri

Publication date:

Invisibilia is a show about all the invisible forces that shape human behaviour - our thoughts, our emotions, our beliefs. The Culture Inside is about the concepts we absorb from our culture, how they affect us and the people around us.

So how much do ideas and the culture influence us and our behaviour? And what can you do if you don't want one particular idea in your culture to affect you?

If you are running a small business or working towards management learning how to recognise and prevent bias could be the difference between success and failure. You want to be objective and do what is right for the business at all times. If you are thinking about becoming a parent or better teachers, it matters that you learn what blind spots you have in judgement.

One of this week's articles was about privilege and the way it weaves itself unseen in professional circles. For further exploration of bias, listen to this episode of NPR's Invisibilia The Culture Inside.
