With a Little Foresight, You Don't Have to Rely on Contributions to Cover High Medical Bills

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Article by: BrandVoice

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Photo by Hush Naidoo on Unsplash

Article sponsored by

Firstline Insurance Company

Hardly a day goes by without someone soliciting for help to cover a medical bill on Kenyan social media. It can be a horrifying ordeal when you find that you cannot pay for something that your life depends on- literally. Some people are forced to sell their land or take a loan to cover these bills. If it is a loan, you must be prepared to pay for it, to the last cent, with interest. This can be a huge burden.

So, what is the alternative? What is the solution to the perennial contributors-payer medical scheme that we are operating on a daily basis?

Two words: medical insurance. Let’s look at some reasons why this is the smart play that we should all be making as far as our health is concerned.

Peace of mind

A good medical cover gives you the peace of mind of knowing that you and your family’s health needs are covered- whatever the eventuality. With every premium you pay, you will be paying for possible future medical bills in advance. This way, when you finally require treatment, you will be able to cover your bills without stressing much about it, soliciting friends or digging into your savings.

Tax benefits

Medical insurance is a deductible expense when calculating for tax owed to the government. This is money you are getting back from the taxman, which you can use for other expenses like food and travel. And when those steep medical bills come calling, your insurance will be there to protect you.

Added health security

Even if you are taking perfectly good care of your body, there is no knowing when an accident or incident might occur. A good medical cover gives you the peace of mind to do whatever you do on a daily basis without worrying about what might happen should you fall ill or become incapacitated.

Stress-free treatment

Treatment under an insurer is very different in comparison to treatment that you pay for directly. With the former, you don’t have to worry about your bill as you get on that doctor’s table. But when you are paying for yourself, every added dosage becomes a burden. When every coin of your medical bills comes from your own pocket, you will often be forced to choose between treatment and other seemingly more important urgent expenditures like food and house rent.

Coverage for pre-existing conditions

If you live with a pre-existing condition and have to undergo constant treatment, then you know how inconvenient a pre-existing condition can be. The medical bills can be staggering or even unaffordable. In this case, make sure you select an insurer that covers pre-existing conditions.

Preventative care    

This is perhaps the most compelling reason to take a medical insurance policy. Insurers provide their customers with screening for all types of diseases before insurance and periodic check-ups every year. Constant check-ups give you an opportunity to discover and address potentially life-threatening diseases before it’s too late.

It is impossible to foretell or forestall disaster. And insurance does not always cover all medical expenditures. But it does cover most of the common issues like common sicknesses and preventative care. Moreover, insurance is rather cheap compared to its practical worth, which can only be measured by the peace of mind it affords you.

Firstline Insurance Agency, the first professional insurance broker in Kenya, has some amazing health insurance packages you should check out. But don’t just check them out, take the step of giving yourself the freedom that comes with having a medical cover… then go back to enjoying your life with no limits.
